Chat perdu 16 Couture

Alerte Disparition Chat Femelle , 8 ans Couture France


Pasha, once seen never forgotten, beautiful white long haired female. One green eye and one blue eye, she is not deaf and knows her name. If anyone spots her it may be that she will need a trap to get her back home. It was a house move and she ran away the first day. Please help find my precious little Pasha. Please put food out for her if you see her. She is a very timid cat and will come across as a feral but she is not, she is a one women owner cat and is not used to other people. I am missing her so much.

Avis de recherche pour Chat perdu Couture - Charente/16

  • Nom Pasha
  • Âge 8 ans
  • Sexe Femelle
  • Race Chat Inconnu
  • Taille 32 cm
  • Poids 2.5 kg
  • Couleur Blanc
  • Collier Non
  • Puce électronique Inconnu
  • Castré Oui
  • Effrayé / peureux
  • White, long haired, one green one blue eye, not deaf, very timid


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Dernier lieu connu

  • Date 16.08.2024
  • Heure 16:00
  • Adresse All. des Sablons, 16460 Couture, Charente (16)
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